Wave World   (the Netherlands/Canada)


Wave World ist ein niederländisch-kanadisches Trio, die uns erstmals 1999 auf dem "Alpha-Centauri" Festival auffielen. Nur absolute Insider kannten damals diese Formation, die ein unglaubliches Konzert vor 1000 Zuschauern ablieferte. Gert van Santen, Harry Kessels und der Computergrafiker Rolf van Slooten beeindruckten damals wie heute mit einer fantastischen Live-Performance, die seinesgleichen bis heute sucht. Dabei wird zu der ambienten, oft aber auch sehr rythmischen elektronischen Musik eine 3-D Computeranimation auf großer Leinwand vorgestellt, die das über 70 minütige Set filmisch darstellt. Wave World selbst treten dabei geschminkt und in eigenen Kostümen auf, was ja sehr in den CIRCUS passt. Es wird eine durch und durch spektakuläre Live-Show versprochen. Nach einigen Jahren der Bühnenabstinenz geben Wave World  mit ihrem neuen Album "Membrane" und neuem Bühnenbild ihr Comeback und treten erstmals live in Deutschland auf.

Wave World is a Dutch-Canadian multi media act, consisting of musicians Gert van Santen and Harry Kessels, in conjunction with 3D computer graphics artist Rolf van Slooten. They are famous for their impressive live shows that combine ambient electronic music with 3D computer graphics, weird costumes and extraordinary make-up. Wave World has produced 7 albums, a video and a DVD, mostly released independently through their own record label Virtual Factory Records.

Harry and Gert have a long history in music. Gert, having started out with the recorder, acoustic guitar and piano in his early years, got involved in new wave, progressive rock and electronic and experimental music in the eighties and nineties. He has composed half a library of pieces, and performed as multi-instrumentalist in numerous bands and projects. Amongst others, he has been a member of Modern Management, De Rest, What's Left and since a couple of years De Hufters. Harry, who is currently living in Canada, is a gifted vocalist, thereminist, composer and piano improviser and has been a choir vocalist since he was young. He recently started singing with Vocal Horizons in Toronto. He is also the developer of the Wave World Language Lua Lengua. Together with vocalist Jesso, Harry and Gert formed Solipsist Paradise, a short-lived act that, out of the blue, was launched into airplay on national public radio, but without time for gigs or a new album. Rolf, apart from having been keyboardist and graphics artist for the Real Virtuality Project, has been specialized in computer graphics since the early nineties. As a visual genius, he has worked for leading post production company Valkieser Capital Images, and now has his own company, Virtual Factory. For 2009, Wave World has planned to release 2 DVDs, a comic, an iPhone game and is working on the presentation of their new live show A detailed and entertaining story on Wave World’s formation process, together with some exhilarating ‘behind the scenes’ insights, can be found in the ‘Fundamentals’ DVD and accompanying booklet (2006)

After some years of daytime job work overload, lots of questions from fans, and even more requests for new music and concerts, Wave World has decided it is time for action again. We are just back from a very inspiring pre-production meeting, and we’re pleased to inform all of you that Wave World is back in business.

The most important news is, that fresh plans have been made for finishing our new album – the long awaited double DVD Membrane. Work on the first DVD is almost finished, and a secret concert has been done to test the waters (2009). In the mean time, Waveworld’s Computer Graphics Studio is already working on creating new stunning 3D visuals for the DVD’s… and the next concert series!

Yes, that’r right. Autumn 2011 Wave World will kick of their next tour with a completely new show including all new images plus some amazing new music from Membrane.

Check the MEMBRANE website for more information – and for sneak previes of the DVD and the show!

Die Jungs 'mal ungeschminkt:

Gert is introducing the new Membrane concept

Playing Exogenes





(CD, Album)   

Quantum Records 1999


(CD, Enh)
Quantum Records 2000


(CD, Album, Enh)
Quantum Records 2001


Virtual Factory Records 2002

Another Strange Day On Gonxa

Virtual Factory Records 2002

The Falls Of Varnal

(CD, Album)
Record One 2004

The Winds Of Laax

(CD, Album)
Virtual Factory Records 2005

Singles & EPs


(CD, Maxi)
Quantum Records 2001

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